In-Display Fingerprint Scanning
Vivo has never wavered in its mission to design the perfect phone. Now with the V11Pro, we present you with the 19:5:9 aspect ratio Halo FullView? Display. This Super AMOLED display delivers a vibrant, ultra-vivid experience. At the back, V11Pro?s 3D cover features a fresh, unconventional fusion color – exuding style, quality and class – making V11Pro perfectly designed, both front and back.
AI Dual Rear Camera
The V11Pro features a 12MP (24 million photosensitive units) + 5MP dual rear camera combination. The main camera sports a large f/1.8 aperture and 1.28?m pixels. This strong combination boosts photosensitivity in backlight or low light. Just point and shoot, and V11Pro will make sure your pictures remain clear and bright.
25MP AI Camera
Powerful Performance
At the heart of the V11Pro is the powerful octa-core acceleration chip from Qualcomm, the Snapdragon 660AIE. In addition to the chip?s raw power, the V11Pro features a substantial 6GB of RAM, and 64GB of storage space. Meanwhile the latest Funtouch OS 4.5 (based on Android 8.1) and our Jovi AI Engine deliver a more efficient allocation of CPU and memory resources than ever before. From simple operations to intensive game play – your V11Pro can handle whatever you throw at it with ease.
Dual-Engine Fast Charging
Fast Charging Made Safer
No one likes long charging times, so we?ve equipped the V11Pro with the Vivo Dual-Engine Fast Charging, which refills the large, 3400mAh capacity battery at rapid speeds. For robust protection during charging, the parallel connection of the two charging chips, along with nine different safeguarding features, provide the utmost in safety.
Jovi ?
Your AI Assistant
Jovi,which means ?Enjoy Vivo?s AI?, is Vivo?s AI assistant. Enabling it on your V11Pro delivers a futuristic AI-powered user experience. Jovi learns to understand you better than you know yourself, making your life easier, smarter, and simpler.